I went to the Battleground again today. I managed to wander around for four hours or so, making it look extremely convincing that I have a job. I wrote some. Not sure what. I thought in terms of Arumaea, but it could really be anything. Mostly, I wrote about the area I was in and what I was
feeling. It was nice. The beginning was perfect, even if the following words wandered. I have to say that, more than anything, I simply enjoyed being there. It was nice. And quiet. And fairly isolated. A few souls wandered through, but no one stayed.
And I had a nice surprise when I got home. Mom told me that Mr. Goforth at the Credit Union has decided to renew my loan to help me out, and to help out their paperwork no doubt. I'm not sure how he's going to do it, but it will help. If they simply renew the loan, then that may put around $1,000 in my pocket. I could use that to begin setting up some form of credit. I could use it to secure those credit cards, and then use those card to acquire others. Sooner or later, I might even have enough credit to fund a small studio, just as I've been thinking. If this is the case, then God is truly smiling upon me.
If it is the other case, and they simply renew it for the balance of what I owe, then it will be helping no one but the Credit Union, and I will still be facing the same old payments.
Oh, well. It's a thought.
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