A lady has asked me to draw a picture of her niece and her new husband. I have agreed, naturally. The fee will be $50, including matting (which I have no experience with).
This has the old ideas flowing. Perhaps there is money to be made here. Again. With Christmas coming up, I may be able to bring in enough money to help me dig my way out of the hole Florida and Faith has put me in. And who knows? Perhaps whatever demand created through Christmas will continue even after the holiday is over. Or at least I hope.
I feel good right now. The possibilities seem alive once more. And I am enjoying it.
But on to other things.
I am re-considering the idea of trying for a government small business loan or a grant. I think what I need to go for now is an audio/video production studio. That would cover all aspects of what I want to do, plus allow me to make a living while doing it. As to whether or not I can actually get a government loan or grant, I can't honestly say what I think the chances are. But I should check into it. All they can do is turn me down. Right?
And in the meantime, I can be trying to manage something with the art. If nothing else, that might allow me the freedom of getting out from under all these things which weigh me down right now. The loan at the Credit Union. The NRI debt. ICS. Book clubs. Etc. Etc. Etc.
So there are chances ...
In other news, Justice came by today. It was really good to see her. She took me out to dinner. Sort of a welcome home thing. She told me that I seemed like I was different. She flirted, like she always does. Maybe I am different. It sort of scared me. I feel like there is smoke rolling off of my hide. I don't want to give Justice the wrong idea. As much as I like the idea of drowning my pains in her arms, it wouldn't be fair to her. Of course, I shouldn't assume it's still an option.
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