Saturday, March 07, 1992

Another day. Things are going differently, if not better.

I talked to Mike Peeler today. He has an idea about a band which he wants me to join. What he proposes is working up a band which would play nothing but medleys, from beginning to end. Kind of like a greatest excerpts show. Looks like we might play as many as 200 songs, or more, per gig, which would definitely enlarge our repertoire.

Sounds interesting.

I don't know if I really believe in the validity of the idea. Mike says he could have us playing right away, and he is convinced he could track down a P.A., but I wonder how something like that would go over. At best it could only be approached as a novelty item, and even that would wear thing quickly. I stressed that I would only be interested if we were to play regular gigs as well.

We'll see.

Bert talked to Carmen awhile tonight. I think I was mainly the subject. Bert says she thinks Carmen likes me, whatever that means. She's supposed to call me tomorrow and give me her new number.

As for my amp and projects ... nothing has come in yet. Nothing but cancelled checks and threats from NRI. Oh, I did get my Prodigy software a few days ago, so I have something to occupy my time a bit. Problem is, I also have a mighty temptation to use the credit card (which I've already managed to push close to the limit). I've ordered five CD's. hehehe. Jesus. Sticky fingers, huh?


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