Monday, February 17, 1992

I talked to Tony Rodgers tonight. He's asked me about playing bass with him and Ted again. I accepted, more or less.

I still have to figure out a way to get the Ampeg up and running, but that's been a primary problem all along.

I wondered what Carmen might think of this, but then I have to set that aside. I think Carmen, of all people, will understand this. I'll get to play with Tony and Ted. I mean really play. I won't have to sit back and relax to a country twang, and I won't have to learn guitar parts which I couldn't stand. I will most likely be able to challenge myself here. That's what I need.

And if I can get something interesting going in the meantime, with the government loans and grants, then all the better.

Right now I need to maintain. I need something to help me feel good again. And part of that would most likely be returning to my role as a damned good bass player.


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