Monday, December 22, 2003

I keep frustrating myself. I was tinkering around on e-bay, looking up vinyl LP's, and I kept coming across records that I used to have; records that I should still have, but which have gone missing at some point through the years. I know what happened to most of them. When my step-brother, Chip, moved my things out to Loretta's house when I was 15 (because I was in school and Mama wouldn't let me out of school to pack my own things), he went through my records and picked out what he wanted. To this day, I still think about records that I used to own, and then realize that they're long gone. It still hurts, to be robbed like that.

Mama never let me say anything about it, and so Chip got away with it. Nothing was ever said. That really bothers me.


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