Wednesday, December 13, 2000

Medway, Ohio. Maybe I should catch up.

We made it to Lincoln Tuesday night and dropped our load. We picked up another that we delivered last night in Reynoldsburg, Ohio (a 942 mile run in 19 hours). We crashed for the night and we given a load this morning that picked up in Wilmington (Airborne Express). We waited well into this afternoon to be loaded and I suppose I bitched accordingly. Ed (our DSR) asked us if we would like to go to Washington state, because he knew of a driver who needed to get home to Texas (the Airborne Express load was going to Waco). We said sure. The idea was that we would pick up the Waco load, and then repower it with truck #1286 at a nearby Speedway. But then the Waco load was cancelled. So Ed worked out a deal for us to pick up a load at USX's Medway terminal that was headed for Texas, and repower that with truck #1286.

So here we are.

We've technically picked up the load (meaning that I have the bills, and am assigned to it). When 1286 gets here, we'll repower with him and head for the state of Washington as planned.

I'm kind of nervous about heading out that far this close to Christmas. But it's a good run and we definitely need the money. We've decided that since we have no idea what, if anything, we'll draw from B&L in the next couple of weeks, we'd best line up some Christmas money by getting advances on all of our trips. So far we've spent it about as fast as we've gotten it, but it's a nice idea in theory. A trip to Washington should garner us close to $200, and then there's the trip back. Probably won't get Mama that computer, but we'll have a nice Christmas anyway.

I've settled down a bit about the whole George W. Bush / Supreme Court thing. Read some articles on the Medway PNV Internet terminal that said that Bush and the Republicans stole the election. I feel somehow vindicated to know that I'm not the only one who feels that way.


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