Sunday, February 09, 1992

I'm working on the Realistic tape deck. Remember it?

The play button is broken. Needless to say, this old thing was built before solid state. The buttons are simply levers which force mechanical switches into place. Problem is, they made them out of plastic and the plastic eventually gave way. I had intended to cast new pieces out of this polymer resin I bought a while back, but I seem to lack either the knowledge or the vision to make worthy molds. So ... I glued the broken pieces back together with a strong epoxy resin and poured some of the polymer resin in the hollow places between supports. If I move this button over to one of the easier switches, such as Rewind, and place an intact button, which I've strengthened with resin, into the Play position, this should work.

And hell ... if it doesn't, I could always revert to the original plan. (sigh) It's nice to have something important to work on. hehehehehe


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