Bert has more or less said that she would allow me to use my own discretion with the credit card. I'm not sure how far this means I can go, and I'm not sure how far I would even want to take it, but it's nice to know that she won't be hovering over me every time I use the phone.
I asked Tim, Mark's friend, about playing bass today. He plays sax, too, (which is mainly why I asked him) but I can't say whether or not he'll play or whether he's any good. It's a thought. That's all.
I got another book in the mail today. Learning C++. Another pointless part of the collection, at least until I finally make up my mind to pursue the language.
I've been having a fairly good time at the cafe. We kid around a lot up there, and it's really quite fun sometimes, but I think Bert wonders sometimes when Penny and I give each other so much hell. We pick at one another all day, and if I know Bert she'll find some way to make it seem that we're lovey dovey.
Oh, well. Nothing else much.
I haven't talked to Carmen in days, but I think I'll call her tonight. I'd like to tell her about Tim and find out how things are going on her end. Nobody seems to be doing much of anything, so I may have to get the ball rolling myself. If nothing else, I could start learning songs for the guitar. I don't know if the credit card will come, or when, but if and when it does, I'd like to be ready to play something.
The T-Bird is sitting near Mark's house. I think (and hope) that it's just out of gas, but you never really know. I've been kicking the thought over in my head about getting a Chevy Astro van here in the next few months. If I do, the T-Bird will go into storage until I can work something out about fixing it. But for now ... I guess I have to go get her again. hehehe
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