Thursday, July 25, 1991

So here I am again. Making an entry. This one is going to be as pointless as all the others, and yet I seem to return here time and again for some vague reason.

To make it short and sweet, Faith is at work. She has a job. Things aren't well enough for her to make the rent, but she doesn't seem affected by that. she doesn't seem to be affected by much these days.

As for me, well ... I have a plane ticket. I'll be leaving Sunday for North Carolina. Upon my arrival I have no idea what to do, but I suppose I'll figure that out with time.

A guy has called about my keyboards. He wants me to meet him somewhere tomorrow morning to make the exchange (my goods for his money). I've agreed so far, but I've found myself smiling a few times. I am honestly paranoid to the point that the possibility of ambush has crossed my mind. I'll be taking my bayonet with me, and I've looked at the St. Augustine map so that I'll know the quickest way to the hospital if need be. I guess that, in itself, says a lot.

As for Faith and I. Well. I don't know. I can honestly say that I have no idea what the hell is going on or where we're going to wind up or what she wants from me. Apparently she wants me to return, so I suppose that's all I need to know. So what if we're going on our third week without making love?

Jesus. As for myself? At this point, I am rather indifferent. I'm surprised by that fact. I feel nothing overwhelming. I'm tired. I'm drifting. And that's about the extent of it. Part of me will be relieved to be in North Carolina again, because this has definitely been rough here. I've actually come to question my feelings for Faith. Just as I've come to question her feelings for me. She's back and, supposedly, a great weight has been lifted off of her shoulders, but I couldn't really say anything has changed. Basically, it's the same way it was when she left. The first day was ok. But from there things have settled back down into her reading her books and sleeping mostly on the couch.

I just wish things would return to a semblance of the way they were that first week or so. But I'm leaving Sunday. So I guess that wish is a futile one. Maybe the future will hold some surprises. But for now the well is dry. And in many ways. Yet my only goal is to return. For better or worse. This is my home. And when I go ... I'll be leaving a very large piece of my soul here. I shall hope that we will be together. Again. And will find peace. Again. In one another's arms.


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