Thursday, June 20, 1991

I'm talking to Faith and Patty.

The shit is hitting the goddamned fan.


Long wait ahead. Patty has called back. Faith has told her to come on. Patty is going to rent a truck in St. Augustine and head to Albany today to move Faith and her kids out. That scares the hell out of me, because there are no guarantees that they will be able to get by Paul.

The son of a bitch. He has taken all her computer disks, all her manuscripts, everything. She doesn't know whether they're hidden or destroyed or what. But things have definitely come to a head.

There are lot of things running through my head right now. Her safety. The kids. St. Augustine. I wonder how this will affect our plans. She said last night that if PJ went to St. Augustine with her, it would definitely botch our plans. I don't know in what context she meant it, but it's stuck with me, and, sadly, that weighs heavily on my mind now because PJ is going with her. I wonder if things will ever work out.

Shit. I just want her safe. And I want the kids safe. I want everybody happy. I guess at this point I can only hope. And wait. Patty is supposed to call me back before she leaves. Until then ... well ... I wait.


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