Saturday, September 11, 2004


I've been thinking about this date a lot today. September 11th. I realize that it's burned into most Americans minds for obvious reasons.

I'll also always remember that in 2001 we were stuck in traffic on I-94 across the Hudson River in New Jersey, right across from the World Trade Center. If I hadn't gotten frustrated with traffic and gone on up to I-80 instead of waiting out traffic to get on I-78 (thinking the traffic jam was just morning traffic over the George Washington Bridge), we would have been sitting right there and would have watched the attacks happen. I remember that a guy had gotten out of his car and walked toward the guardrail, staring toward Manhattan. And I remember thinking something about how odd it was that a plane was going toward the city. I feel like we were put there to bear witness, and that because of my impatience I failed the people who died. I've struggled with ever since.

But September 11th has other meanings for me, as well. Prior to the 9/11 attacks it was significant to me because it was the day we buried my father in 1984. It was also the day my Alembic Spoiler bass guitar was completed (also in 1984).

I'm kind of hoping that nothing else significant will happen on September 11th. The date already has plenty of significance for me.


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