Sunday, December 28, 2003

We're taking down the tree today. Well, Mara is taking it down. So far neither Mama nor I have done much to help. I took off two ornaments, but nothing else so far. This wasn't by design, though.

Last night I finally took our hard drive out of the laptop and hooked it up to Mama's computer. So we've finally been able to get our data off of the laptop, and can now take it to have it worked on. This means that I could finally get to my web site and all those changes that I made last summer. I haven't been tinkering on it much, but apparently I have been busy enough that I missed taking down the tree. Sorry, Babe. That wasn't by design.

It seems strange that we're getting close to leaving again. We've enjoyed being home. As much as I'd like to write about it, right now I've lost interest in this. I think I'm going to go help Mara (as much as I can now).

It's funny. There are a lot of things I'd like to write about, but somehow none of it seems very important once I sit down to do so. I don't think I'm a good candidate for a Web Log.


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