Tuesday, August 08, 2000

Sitting at our Salt Lake City, Utah terminal. Having problems with the truck. Again.

We've recently been out to California, and had to stop in Laramie, Wyoming on the way to get a fuel filter changed. The truck wasn't running right. It was hesitating and choking out. Breakdown told me to have the fuel filter changed, and it seemed to do the trick, though the first guy I talked to in Breakdown thought it might be the speed sensor. Since the problem came back, I'm thinking that the first guy was right. Anyway, we're here in SLC, trying to get the same problem fixed.

We're heading to Iowa. Brought a load out of California to Boise, Idaho, and am now running a load from Boise to Iowa.

We stopped here because we figured that if the problem turned out to be a big one, we might be able to get another truck here. I asked about it, but the only trucks U.S. Xpress seem to be willing to give us are junkers. We'd be better off waiting to get this truck repaired. I just hope that the shop gets off of their asses and gets this done some time today. I'm going to be one mad son of a bitch if we lose this load because the SLC terminal shop didn't get to my truck.

Well, I'm debating about whether or not I want to transcribe some on the Malleus (we only have a few chapters to go), or take a nap. At the moment, the nap is beginning to seem like the most likely winner.


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