Tuesday, June 06, 2000

Sitting in the living room at Mama's house in Kings Mountain. Mostly wasting time. I've been converting some of my diary files into HTML files for possible inclusion on my web site. Not sure if I will or not, but it's an interesting idea. Mara has long since posted her journal on her web site, and for her it's been a source of exchange with other people, sharing their experiences. I'm not sure that mine could translate like that, and I'm not certain I would want it to. I'm also concerned about the prospect of a diary becoming performance art. I mean, how could you possibly write honestly if you know people will be reading it? It's bound to influence what you write, how you write, and when you write; essentially short-circuiting the point of a diary. For my part, I think a diary is about self-examination, or even just a dustbin into which you drop tidbits of your life.

Well, we're sitting here, waiting. Not sure about what we're waiting for. Well, Lowe's was supposed to deliver two fence sections, a 4x4x6 post, and ten bags of topsoil. We were wanting to repair the missing sections of the fence, and would have had plenty of time if they had delivered it this morning like they were supposed to. But they didn't deliver it. The delivery order was lost. Now they say they'll try to get it here by 16:00.

We're also sitting here thinking of lies to tell U.S. Xpress.

We took the truck up to Freightliner in Charlotte last Sunday to get the air dryer and fan belts repaired. They told us they wouldn't get to it until Tuesday, which was fine, but U.S. Xpress called a little while ago and said that the truck was ready. This is a problem, because we're don't want to leave yet. So we're thinking of lies to tell them. I know how that sounds, but with this company, it's not as simple as asking for an extension. If we could just ask for extra time and get it, I'd just ask. But experience has shown me that U.S. Xpress could care less about our wants and needs. After all, we were only out for six weeks. How could we possibly expect more than four days off?

The primary reason we're looking for some extra time is that we bought tickets to the June 7th Roger Waters show at Blockbuster Pavillion. I'm going to see that show even if it costs me my job at U.S. Xpress. Hell, losing my job wouldn't be that big of a deal. I've looked back over past entries and marvelled at how I whined and moaned and groaned about different jobs. I know I'll never be happy in a regular job when there is so much that I want to do artistically and musically. But after being on the road for seven months, I've come to the conclusion that I would dearly love to work a local job. I would love to get to go home every night. In trucking, I feel as if we've been cut out of the herd. We're no longer a part of every day society. It's as if we don't exist. And it's even the same with the company. As far as U.S Xpress is concerned, we're just a part of the truck. And if something happens to that part, they'll just replace it.

So, yes. I'm going to go see Roger Waters. Fuck U.S. Xpress.

In other news, there have been a few minor developments. We bought Mara a laptop computer, so that now she'll be able to work on things on road. As I'm writing, she's sitting in the old blue chair, tinkering with it. I hope it'll make her happy, and downplay some of the loneliness and isolation she feels while she's sitting there, day after day, staring out the window of that truck while mile after mile and featureless landscape flitters by. Hopefully this will give her a purpose, because now she can make use of all that lost time that we lose while I'm driving.

We bought Mama a new monitor. My old one finally bit the dust. One of the tubes went out on it. So we found her a good basic monitor on E-Bay for $27. It'll help her a lot, since the top of the screen will no longer fold over like my old one did. That should make her computer experiences go a little smoother. She's gotten better at using the thing, and understands a lot more of what is going on. This can only help.

Not much else to report. I ordered a scale model of the 2001 Thunderbird, which I'm quite proud of. Like I told Mama, it'll probably be the closest I'll ever get to one, so it's great just to get to look at it.

Beyond all that, the most important development is Roger Waters. When we realized that he was coming to Blockbuster, we knew we would be going, even though two tickets cost us $145. He tours so rarely that I just knew that I couldn't afford to miss him coming into our backyard. I haven't talked much about it, but I've always loved Pink Floyd, and the opportunity to see live the architect of all that wonderful music is one that I will not let slip by. We're both excited about seeing Roger Waters.

Afterwards, I think I'll be able to go along quietly with whatever horrors U.S. Xpress has in store for us.


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