Wednesday, September 01, 2004

I just heard something about electronic voting machines that made my skin crawl. Apparently they have a built-in vote rigging function. A lady named Bev Harris came on Air America's Unfiltered program with an actual electronic voting machine from Georgia that had been used in an election and had the same software as the machines which will be used in the following election. To illustrate the problem, she set up hosts Rachel Maddow and Chuck D as candidates with a pre-set number of votes. She gave Maddow a login name and password so that she could sign onto the machine, just as if she were an electrion official checking the progress of an election. Then she showed how, with just a few keystrokes and without actually signing-on, she could get into the database, where she then gave Chuck D 10,000 extra votes. I repeat, this was done without signing-in! She only had to know the write keystrokes and she had direct access to the database!

This is major. As Bev Harris stated, this is not a glitch in the software. This is a function that was built into the software when it was coded! Someone has thought far enough ahead to make it possible to rig an election! I'm amazed that this isn't getting more attention.

On this particular day on Unfiltered, they were broadcasting from a retaurant in New York City. There was an audience. After Bev Harris finished her presentation, you could have heard a pin drop. Absolute stunned silence!

If you want to feel sick to your stomach, check out these links;


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