Monday, November 17, 2003

I got some stuff in the mail today.

One was "Dark Side of the Moon" by Pink Floyd on vinyl (which I ordered from the UK). The cover is kind bent up, but the album is intact. This is the 30th anniversary reissue, and is supposed to sound better. I dunno. We'll see.

The other was a shipment of books from the Conservative Book Club. That's right. The Conservative Book Club. I figure that the old adage is true, that you should keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer. The Conservative movement is becoming Borg-like, so in my mind it would seem to make sense to keep up with what these wackos are saying. In this shipment I received "Treason" by Ann Coulter, "Who's Looking Out for You?" by Bill O'Reilly, "Let Freedom Ring" by Sean Hannity and "By Design" by Larry Witham. So we'll see. Hopefully I can read these books without being brainwashed. If I suddenly pull a Dennis Miller and start ranting about Liberals, you'll know that I've fallen and have joined the Dark Side. If that happens, please track me down and sprinkle some Holy Water on me, or put a wooden stake through my heart or something.

Wish me luck, huh?


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