Sunday, December 01, 1991

Oh well. December. Jesus. This year is nearly gone, and I can't really account for it. I've done nothing. I've written nothing, really. Art has been wasted. Music is now non-existent thanks to my excursion in Florida. And here I sit. Writing. And thinking of the fact that I've agreed to start working part time at the cafe starting tomorrow.

Odd thought, that. I never thought I would work at the cafe. As a matter of fact, it has been something I've avoided through the years with a certain determination. But here I am. Committed. hehehe. God help me.

I have to admit that the thought of working in a place which I am so thoroughly familiar with is immensely more welcomed than that of starting a new job in a strange place with strangers. I've always fairly enjoyed the place. I've been in there at all hours of the day and night, and I spend half of my time in the kitchen when there, anyway.

This will work out to my advantage. I'll have some meager income to rely upon and yet still have time to paint and sculpt in preparation for the flea market trips next spring, especially since I've decided to abandon portrait drawing once and for all once I've caught up.

I'll have a sense of purpose again. And if I can manage to get the money to pay for having the Ampeg fixed, I can return to playing. All in all, that would make for a fairly decent income.

I look at it this way, if I played, sold art things, and worked part-time at the cafe, all in conjunction, I should be able to make $200 to $300 a week, and that would be enough to rent an apartment, or even to buy a small truck. Of course, I'll need a truck of some sort to get things to the flea markets and art shows.

I suppose what I'm saying is that I can look upon this as an opportunity. I can build on this. And, possibly, the fact that I would also be working for the family could mean a support system, owing to the fact that they would already practically own my soul by way of my employment. I could make a few deals. hehehe

I suppose I'm writing this just to express the feeling that I may have a direction again. One thing which I've yet to mention is the fact that, in working at the cafe as an early morning cook and hand, I'll have the opportunity to learn Bert's cooking techniques, and that can translate into that cookbook she and I have talked about on occasion. It always seemed absurd for me to go up there and stand around, making notes about how she did this and how she did that. Now, though, I'll be able to acquire the knowledge myself, and that will mean that I can tinker with the ingredients a bit, adjusting the servings from hundreds to a hand full. I wonder if she's thought about that...


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