Sunday, October 21, 2007

Bound for Florida

I couldn't tell you where I am. Well ... Georgia. I-95. That's about it. I'm hoping to reach Jacksonville by midnight.

We left a hell of a lot later than I wanted to. That was my fault. Well, it was Mama's fault, too. I waited two and a half hours this morning for Mama to get ready, only to find out that she had been noodling around waiting for me to get ready. Argh! She packed her bag this morning?! Hehe. Then I realized it was going to take longer to finish loading the truck than I'd expected.

The plan was for Victoria and Mama to go on ahead so that they could be in Saint Petersburg by dark. Since I had a few things left to do, I was going to finish loading the truck and head down a little later. But by the time Mama and I got out of Kings Mountain, there was just no way they could make it down by dark. So we decided to go down together.

We've been peddling ever since. Victoria and Mama are following me. We're all tired, and we still have a long way to go. I thought I would be worried or even panicky by now, facing the unknown and headed to Florida for good. But this just feels right. If I have any worries, it's about how Victoria's girls will react to me. Hopefully they'll give me a chance.

Well, I'm tired and babbling. And my phone is about dead. Text messages won't be an option much longer. That's not good, really. Dunno what I'll use to keep me awake when the phone dies.


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