Thursday, October 25, 2007

... and Sunken Gardens

We got Mama out of the house some today. We'd planned to do that yesterday, but it rained all day. So we just hung out. Today, though, we took her to the Friendly Fisherman out at John's Pass in Madeira Beach. Then we wandered around Hubbard's Marina a bit, looking at the birds. Mama got to see some dolphins that were playing in the inlet. That was cool. When we walked out there, I just kept thinking “please let Mama see some dolphins”. Well, she did. :-)

After we left there, we went and drove through Fort DeSoto Park, which was really cool. I was glad that Mama finally got to see what I've meant all these years about Florida being wild, and mankind scratching out a few manicured spots between the wild ones.

On the way over, Mama fell in love with the Don CeSar Beach Resort. Not really sure why. Well, it's a beautiful hotel, but I was still surprised that Mama was so fascinated by it. But hey ... whatever. I'm glad.

When we came out of Fort DeSoto Park, we wandered around downtown Saint Petersburg a bit so that Mama could see the place. She loved the marina. But I got a kick out of how everything we saw was referenced by the plants around it. Mama won't remember the museum downtown, but she'll remember the big tree in front of it. Hehe.

We finished out the day by visiting the Sunken Gardens. That's where Mama was in her element. I had a blast wandering through there with her and Victoria, watching Mama beam as she discovered one plant or another. I got a boat-load of pictures, which I'm sure will wind up in the image gallery at some point.

All in all, it was a good day. I got to hang out with my two favorite ladies and I got to see lots of interesting places. Life does not suck.


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