Thursday, February 09, 2006

Been thinking about the Asrians and Arumaea today, and especially Neima. It's stunning how all the pieces have come together. From Neima through the entire Asrian chronicles, to the origins of humanity on Neastrus and on through Arumaea, it's all there. And there are no loose ends. Simply incredible.

I tried to share this excitement with Mara, but she just said “now if you'll just write it.” She's right. I can plan until the day I die, and if I never write the stories it's all for nothing. But at least now I know how it all fits together. That's going to make writing it all that much easier. I know where I'm going with it.

Each book has to stand on its own, but it also has to fit into the larger story. Now that the larger picture is in place, I know what has to happen and when, and what part each of the books represents. I don't feel so bewildered and overwhelmed by this. And I'm blown away by the fact that what I've always thought of as two related but separate series are actually two parts of a larger linear story.

I'm also excited that so many of the things that I had left unexplained in Arumaea and which were to be worked out later have essentially explained themselves.


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