Saturday, October 27, 2007

Back in Kings Mountain

Back in Mama's apartment. It feels so strange to be here. In Kings Mountain, I mean. It's been an interesting day. Victoria dropped Mama and I off at Tampa International Airport this morning. That was kinda hard for me. I didn't want to leave. But at the same time, I couldn't bear the idea of Mama traveling back to North Carolina by herself. That just wouldn't happen.

Getting through the airport was no problem. I was a little worried about finding my way around. It's been awhile since I've been in an airport, and I wasn't sure I could figure it all out. But apparently my brain hasn't atrophied as much as I thought.

Mama set off the metal detector at Security and had to do the Dance of the Wand, and they took away her big ol' honkin' can of hairspray and some face cleanser. But once we were past that, it was painless. We found our gate with no problem. Boarded the plane shortly after. We were in Atlanta before we knew it (where we almost had an adventure because we almost didn't make it to our connecting flight). We got to the gate just as they were doing the last boarding call. I should have thought something was odd when we got the gate and no one was there, but my brain didn't kick in. Doh! Anyway, we made it, and from there it was just a short hop to Charlotte.

All in all, it was relatively painless. It beat the hell out of the trip down to Saint Petersburg, that's for sure. Anyway, my cousin Doug picked us up at the airport. And ... here we are.

Well, I'm going to go play some World of Warcraft with Victoria. I'm sleepy as hell, but I'm hoping I'll catch a second wind. I wanna hang out with her a bit. Actually, I'd much rather be hanging out with her in Saint Petersburg, but we take what we can get, yes?


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